(Ep. 11) Mr. Spann Official Podcast “The Many Musings of Moriah Mills”
On Episode 11 of Mr. Spann Official, we are joined by friend of the show, and fellow Spann Report Podcast Network collaborator, Cook Simmons! Of course these two need to […]
(Ep. 10) #MSO “Ja’hn Morant” The Spann Report
(Ep. 9) #MSO “Preferences, Gaslighting, & All Of The Words” The Spann Report
(Ep. 8) #MSO “A Weird Fight For Custody” The Spann Report
So on this episode of Mr. Spann Official, we are going to give the fathers around the world their flowers for being the righteous upstanding men, helping to bring along another righteous and upstanding new generation. Salute to all the involved fathers around the world. And we’re also going to celebrate and honor Juneteenth on this very well deserved, and hard fought for holiday before we get into some listener feedback, and some of the news that has been happening since the last time we spoke. Like the fact that famed Chicago bred rapper Lupe Fiasco says he’s FINALLY going to vote for President this year. A young woman went from being a Twitter darling, to a Twitter villain in record time. A couple of idiots in Detroit tried to rob a UNIFORMED police officer of his service weapon. The tiny town of Hamtramck has made national news for what many see as a discriminatory act towards the LGBTQ community, Anita Baker and Babyface are beefing? It’s a lot going on, and we’re going to try to wrap our heads around it all. So with that being said, if you ain’t sitting at the bid whist table, or you ain’t on the grill, or hell, if ain’t kicking it with family right now, come kick it with ya man Spann while we get down with the Real Talk, All The Time! Let’s Go!
Tagged as: Donald Trump, Cornell West, Detroit Police, Juneteenth, Home Depot Girl, Lupe Fiasco, Hamtramck, Anita Baker, Babyface.
On Episode 11 of Mr. Spann Official, we are joined by friend of the show, and fellow Spann Report Podcast Network collaborator, Cook Simmons! Of course these two need to […]
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